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Original Creation

Dream tree

Voy Kay 15 Oct 2020

It took a lot of courage to paint again. After 'Twilight beauty' some days ago, I felt exhausted but specialy empty in the artistic head and heart. I was SO afraid after my latest success to take any painting on since I was convinced I could never come near that level again. Silly thinking of me but it kept me troubled badly.
So I chose a more simple painting to get back up in the saddle and at the same time, I was thinking I might have a go at a series of these 'optical illusions'. Probably a great idea, right?

Canvas used was a budget quality 10"x12" and prepared with liquid white. Limited colours were used (Twhite, Acrimson, Ivory black, ultramarin blue) and this was done in about one hour.

Hope you will enjoy this and please read some articles!

Featured Article Should a Bob Ross fan site contain all kinds of paintings?


dracula Power Painter

Oh wonderful! You are on a roll both creatively and technically. I love the high-contrast light on the figure and the tree works perfectly (in both senses). @SunnyLady, does this fall into the Gestalt theory? Well done Voy!

This is truly beautiful and thought-provoking work. Perfectionism has held me back as well, but looks like you've rebounded in a big way. Very well done!

The face in the tree, Cool!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Long time no hread Dracula, welcome and thank you for the cheers and coment.

I intend to do a series of those and most all with trees, since I feel comfortable drawing those.
The figure was VERY though to do since this is a rather small canvas. I am happy she came out allright though.
Till next one!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Lauriev, so happy with your comment.
I felt terrible for over two days, simply because of lack of spirit and anxiety over failing.
'Twilight beauty' really struck gold (Now hanging in the central area of the living room) and I felt I could never touch that level again!
Happily ....I had this little gem to encourage me again!

Till next one!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Artworks, thank you! Watch for more of these the next few weeks!

Voy, this is absolutely amazing! I love that lonely human figure looking at that tree with pose full of hope. I wonder what he/she sees in that tree. The grass is so soft and cozy. How did you like Ultramarine compare to Phatlo Blue in mixing with Alizarin?

@dracula - yes, Gestalt too. It falls in the same category of "perceptioning" either tree or a face and never both at the same time. Also this painting has a great stability in composition.

Voy, it will be super interesting to hear about your thought process how tree converted to a face or the face converted to the tree. What gears were running in your head to generate this incredible masterpiece?

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Sunnylady, your cheers are making me blush!! But also OH SO HAPPY!

Yes, you asked the question I wanted people to ask. the figure is a girl, she has a small bosom and a litle tummy.
The woman went to the top of that windy hill and is amazed what a strong wind has done with that tender tree.

Yet in fact .... she was just glancing at that tree and her thoughts wandered off .... like we can see figures in the clouds by staring at them!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

The strentgh of this contouring (the tree) was in fact, much to my surprise, Bob's nr. 2 scriptliner!
I don't like using it (A little too thick and it had split after five times using) but this time, it really worked and I could draw reasonable steady lines with it.
I am jus unhappy with the moon and will see to alter that later, perhaps a full moon would be wiser here.

Love this, it’s simple yet spectacular! You’re so creative!!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear FVG, your sincere and integer comments mean so much to me!
Yes indeed, this is rather simple yet you need a very steady hand with such small canvas!

I live to expand my creativity, I don't like to be hooked or imprisoned on one or two aspects of art, I want as much as is possible and feasable for me, thus exploring my frontiers, and embracing them!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

@ Sunnylady, almost forgot to answer this but yeah, that ultramarin give me a much deeper purple shine, exactly what was needed for this painting.
Perhaps I would've gotten the same effect with Prussian blue (NOT with Phtalo blue since that would be too light, mixed with the liquid white base) but I'm happy I tried this variant since ultramarin is something I very rarely use.
Now I know better!!

This is very good..

Nice one. I like very much!!

Regarding your apprehension: personally I have come to terms with the fact that they can't ALL be masterpieces. This artist finds peace in creating. I feel a kinship with all of the folks on this site. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Many of my own pieces are much more to other people's liking than my own in fact, but I enjoy the days I spend painting more than the ones I don't.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thanks Wybnormal, more to come soon!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

You have the true heart and spirit Froggie, I so much welcome that!!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Step by step Tom, step by step, nose forward!

Have a great weekend!

Voy! You have outdone yourself yet again! I am sure this will be quite the conversation piece on your wall!

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters

Super imagination Voy!I see the woman gazing pensively at the tree..Maybe she sees a lost love?She smells his spirit in the wind.Some of the leaves caress her face and she feels her lovers touch in each petal.his smile satisfies her passion that is gone forever.P

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Heather, the result just screams for more!
And I intend to listen to that scream!

Till next one!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Pietro, you caught another angle at this, the romantic one! Wonderful!
So great you got to the depth of her thoughts and vision! ❤

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters

Voy,know this,I'm a romantic at heart.My Sicilian heritage infuses passion and fire in soul.My artistic side comes from my ancestors as well.Peace my friend.P

This caught my eye and made me stop and take a closer look! Wonderful creativity here! Love it!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you Lisa, so happy I could make you stop!
I have two of such trees uploaded already and consider doing more in the future.
Till then!

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